comptia a+ passing score

CompTIA A+ Passing Score

Looking to pass the CompTIA A+ certification exam? Check out our guide on the CompTIA A+ passing score. Learn about the CompTIA A+ passing score for the two exams, tips for preparation, and what to do if you fail the exam. With this guidance, IT Exams will help you increase your chances of success and […]

March 17, 2023

Looking to pass the CompTIA A+ certification exam? Check out our guide on the CompTIA A+ passing score. Learn about the CompTIA A+ passing score for the two exams, tips for preparation, and what to do if you fail the exam. With this guidance, IT Exams will help you increase your chances of success and earn the valuable CompTIA A+ certification to boost your career in IT.

What is CompTIA A+ Certification?

comptia a+ passing score

CompTIA A+ certification is obtained by completing two examinations designed by IT industry professionals to demonstrate abilities required for entry-level IT positions. CompTIA A+, on the other hand, is about much more than computer repair. CompTIA A+ candidates are better equipped to troubleshoot and fix a broader range of issues, including networking and operating systems, mobile devices, and security.

Unlike other certifications, which may only need one area of competence, CompTIA A+ covers a greater range of knowledge required of technicians today, making A+ applicable to a wider range of employment vocations.

The certification encompasses a wide range of topics in the following categories:

  • Computer hardware
  • Software
  • Operating systems
  • Networking, security
  • Troubleshooting

To obtain this certification, you need to pass two exams: CompTIA A+ Core 1 (220-1101) and CompTIA A+ Core 2 (220-1102), which are updated versions for 220-1001 and 220-1002. To help users improve their chances of passing the exam, we offer hundreds of free CompTIA + practice test questions on this website. Check it out now!

What’s on the CompTIA A+ Exam?

There are a total of 90 multiple-choice, drag-and-drop, and performance-based questions on these two examinations. Each exam will take around 90 minutes to complete. Candidates receive their scores immediately after finishing the exam. Students get access to a full score report that breaks down their performance in each exam topic. This report can be used to suggest areas for improvement and to develop a more focused study plan for future efforts.

The exam assesses your understanding of numerous IT fundamentals such as hardware, software, networking, operating systems, and security. Anticipate questions on the following topics:

Domains for exam 220-1101

  • Mobile devices (15%): Installing and configuring laptops and mobile devices
  • Networking (20%): Types of networks and connections (TCP/IP, wifi, SOHO, etc.)
  • Hardware (25%): Identifying, using, and connecting devices and hardware components
  • Virtualization and cloud computing (11%): Comparing cloud concepts and setting up client-side virtualization
  • Hardware and network troubleshooting (29%): Solving issues with devices and networks

Domains for exams 220-1102

  • Operating systems (31%): Installing and configuring Windows OS, and understanding Mac OS, Linux, and mobile OS
  • Security (25%): Identifying and protecting against vulnerabilities in both devices and networks
  • Software troubleshooting (22%): Resolving issues with applications on PC and mobile devices, including security support
  • Operational procedures (22%): Best practices for safety, sustainability, communication, and professionalism

What is the CompTIA A+ Passing Score?

comptia a+ passing score

To pass the CompTIA A+ Test, candidates must pass both the 220-1101 and 220-1102 examinations. You are assessed on a scale of 100 to 900 points, which is a bit strange. The passing score for the CompTIA A+ 1101 exam is 675, whereas the passing score for the CompTIA A+ 220-1102 exam is 700. These passing scores remain unaltered from the previous A+ version.

CompTIA A+ Core Series (220-1101 and 220-1102) has been revised. If you have previously completed or intend to take one of the A+ 1000 series exams (220-1001 and 220-1002), make sure you pass the second test before the previous series retires on October 20, 2022, in order to earn the full A+ certification. Assume you passed the series 1001 test and are now studying for the series 1002 exam. In such a situation, you can only acquire certification for the Core 1001/1002 series, not any further updates.

What is the CompTIA A+ Passing Rate?

According to the CompTIA A+ 1000 series, the passing rate in 220-1001 is roughly 72 percent, and nearly 75 percent in the pass rate of 220-1002. This means that for a 90-question test, you’ll need at least 65 correct answers in 220-1001 and 68 correct answers in 220-1002. Preparing for this test will take some time because the goals are so broad, and unless you have a lot of professional experience. Unofficially, the CompTIA A+ passing percentage is 30%.

What Are The Reasons For The Failure Of The CompTIA A+ Exam?

comptia a+ passing score

The number of persons that fail CompTIA A+ or the failure percentage of CompTIA A+ has not yet been revealed. If you fail the CompTIA A+ test, you must repeat it to acquire the certification. After a 14-day waiting period, you may repeat the exam. You can repeat the exam as many times as you like, but you must pay the full exam cost each time.

After the exam, you will be given a score report outlining your performance in each exam domain. Utilize this report to discover areas for improvement and make changes to your study plan as needed.

Note that failing the exam does not totally imply a lack of knowledge or capability. Here are the two most common reasons why individuals fail CompTIA exams:

Insufficient study

A CompTIA exam typically takes 6-12 weeks to prepare for and pass. Unless you are a specialist in a certain area of the test, there will be a lot of novel information and potentially a significant amount you already know. According to the students we’ve worked with, less than 6 weeks of study time is insufficient to pass, and more than 12 weeks is a waste of time.

CompTIA exams are not something that can be crammed for and passed in a few days. These must also be completed as soon as possible since there is far too much particular information on far too many subjects to remember for more than three months.

If you have been studying for the test (or a section of the exam) for 12 weeks and haven’t finished the content, you should. The fact is that you are procrastinating and not putting out the necessary effort to complete the assignment. At that pace, you will begin to forget simple concepts from the beginning of the course, which will be your undoing when it comes time to take the real test.

Finding the correct balance is challenging. Both too little and too much time are bad. The “Goldilocks Zone” for most people is 6-12 weeks when the trade-offs are balanced. I normally recommend that people set aside 8 weeks from the time they buy study materials to the time they take the test. It’s acceptable to deviate from that, but only for a week or two in either way.

Taking-tests skill problems

Sometimes folks comprehend the content and are skillful enough to pass the exam, but they just can’t do it right. 
Some who are notoriously lousy test takers struggle with this due to the high-pressure environment.

Some people have significant test anxiety and go completely blank when the stakes are high. Multiple choice sitting quietly at a computer with other people does not work well for certain people who have actual learning disabilities. Other people arrive without getting enough sleep or having a healthy meal the night before, making it hard to maintain a high level of attention.

You may retake the CompTIA A+ certification test as many times as you choose because there are no restrictions on the number of limitations of the exam or the period between exams. If you are unsure that you will pass the exam the first time, the second alternative is preferable.

How To Prepare For The CompTIA A+ Exam?

comptia a+ passing score

Preparing for the CompTIA A+ exam requires a combination of studying and practical experience. Here are some tips to help you prepare for the exam:

Set a Study Plan

If you were going to run a 10K, you would not begin training a week before. Preparing for a CompTIA test is no exception. Set out your time between now and when you will take your test.

Allow more time for tough subjects or locations where you may want extra assistance. Set aside a certain amount of time each day to work on different goals. After that, study, study, study.

Determine Your Learning Style

Everyone studies in a unique way. Perhaps you might jot down notes or utilize flashcards. Perhaps you require soft music or stillness. Perhaps reading voraciously aids memory retention, or perhaps you need to explain things to someone out loud. It is more of an art than a precise science.

Keep Your Mind the Test Objectives

Let’s begin from the beginning. Each exam is accompanied by a description of the test objectives. While this may seem obvious, learning the goals means you will be more prepared to take and pass your test in general. It assists you in organizing and structuring the material you’re learning as you go.

Another advantage of having this roadmap is that it tells you how quickly or slowly you’re progressing through the test. Understanding where you are in the test and how much time you have remaining is critical for time management. You may customize how much time you spend on each question to ensure that you complete the test. Conversely, you may be hurrying due to anxieties and want reassurance to take your time.

Avoid “Brain Dumps”

It’s not always about how much you study, but about where you receive your stuff. Utilizing official CompTIA textbooks or materials from well-known industry professionals is an excellent approach to ensure you’re obtaining high-quality resources.

Two words describe what to avoid: brain dumps. When someone submits test questions after taking an exam, this is known as a brain dump. They frequently include solutions. While this may appear to be the ideal location to learn, proceed with caution. There is no quality control, you have no clue whether you are receiving the correct answer, and although it may help you pass the test, it won’t assist you when you try to use the information in the real world.

Moreover, because CompTIA test participants must sign a non-disclosure agreement, brain dumps can land the individual who posts them in legal jeopardy.

Install a Computer or a Network

This is especially true for the CompTIA A+ and Network+ exams. The CompTIA A+ 901 exam covers hardware, whereas the CompTIA A+ 902 exam covers software. While it may be overwhelming, building a real computer is an excellent method to prepare. It will be critical in comprehending not just the theory, but also the real practice. The CompTIA Network+ test is the same way. There is no better way to learn about networks than to build your own.

Practice, Practice, Practice

CompTIA offers practice questions for nearly every test, including Security+ and others. You may hyper-focus on the areas you’re struggling with, which will give you a sense of how prepared you are overall.

When you go over your answers, figure out what you consistently getting incorrect and then focus your study time on those areas.

comptia a+ passing score

Join an Online Community

Finding a CompTIA study group online is an excellent method to exercise your mind. The CompTIA subreddit, which is full of people who have either completed their certifications or are deep in the process, has a lot of useful resources, study ideas, and more. If you need assistance with a difficult part, please ask! They are always willing to share their success secrets and provide as much information about the tests as you want. (Of course, without violating the non-disclosure agreement.)

Skip Unusual Exam Questions

These assessments, once again, are about time management and are assessed on a pass-fail basis. So, if a question appears to be too difficult, skip it! An exam like Security+ contains seemingly random questions that are being tested for a future edition of the test. They are not evaluated, which is a good thing, but it’s difficult to discern what is and isn’t a beta question, so do not skip too many without answering.

While beta questions are not included on all CompTIA examinations, avoiding a perplexing question can give you more time to answer the ones you do know. When you return to the question, you may see it from a whole different perspective or have the courage to answer it.

Prepare for Performance-Based Questions

Performance-based questions (PBQs) require the respondent to complete a task or solve a problem in a simulation. These questions, which are more complicated than typical multiple-choice questions, require time and might be scary if you are not prepared. They do not, however, have to bring your test to a halt.

To begin, it is critical to understand that most PBQs will appear at the beginning of the exam and, while they are a bit more difficult, they are not impossible. A solid offensive is the best defense, and practicing for these questions using online labs will make it much simpler. However, if you approach the question and are unsure, it is acceptable to skip it for the time being and return to it later.


If a question involves capitalized terms like “BEST,” “MOST,” or “LEAST,” take attention! This offers you an idea of what the inquiry is asking. There might be several plausible responses, but only one that coincides with the capitalized term and will help you pass the test.

Last but not least, it is very crucial to be aware of the testing location (which is why IT Exams provides a Pearson VUE testing center for you to take the exam on-site). If you must travel to a new area, provide plenty of time in case you become disoriented. Finally, boosting your confidence in order to prepare for the exam is the significant key to achieve your desired CompTIA A+ passing score. Give yourself a motivational speech. You have put in the effort. You’ve got this!


comptia a+ passing score

Can a beginner take CompTIA A+?

The A+ is specifically designed for total beginners! It will increase your chances of securing your first job or a promotion, introduce you to peers who may become coworkers and friends in the future, and provide you with an excellent foundation for all future IT expertise.
The CompTIA A+ credential, sometimes known as the “entry-level rite of passage for IT technicians,” is an excellent starting point for anybody wishing to enter the IT sector. The A+ certification covers a wide range of subjects, including hardware, networking, and troubleshooting.

Is the CompTIA A+ hard to pass?

Regardless of being designed for beginners, CompTIA A+ Certification covers a wide range of subjects, including hardware, software, networking, and troubleshooting. While the test’s difficulty level varies based on your existing knowledge and experience, it is typically regarded as a difficult exam.

How long is an A+ class?

Although you may obtain the certification in as short as two months, it normally takes around a year to completely study for all exam topics. If you work or go to school full-time, you should budget for at least one year to complete CompTIA’s A+ certification.

Is CompTIA A+ harder than Network+?

In terms of comparing A+ vs Network+ Certification, CompTIA’s Network+ and Security+ examinations are both more difficult than the A+ exam. However, the overlap between these tests might alter our perception of them. However, in order to comprehend this, we must examine each particular exam.

Is A+ certification worth IT?

Is CompTIA A+ Certification Worth It In 2023? Yes, the A+ certification is an excellent starting point for a career in IT or cyber security. However, keep in mind that the A+ certification is intended for entry-level IT support, service, or technician professions. If you have extensive experience or advanced credentials, this will be less valuable.
It is the industry standard for starting a career in information technology and is the recommended qualifying certificate for technical support and IT operational professions. IT professionals with CompTIA A+ certification can work as IT support experts, IT field service technicians, desktop support analysts, or help desk assistants.

Final Words 

In conclusion, anyone hoping to succeed on this certification test must understand the CompTIA A+ passing score. This guide has given insightful information about the scoring methodology and how it may affect your total score. Understanding the relevance of the CompTIA A+ passing score will help you prepare appropriately and concentrate your efforts where they will have the biggest impact. Remember that getting a passing grade is a sign of your knowledge and abilities as well as a first step toward a prosperous career in the IT sector. So, in order to achieve the CompTIA A+ passing score, accept the challenge, make the most of the tools at your disposal, and strive for perfection.
