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On a Linux computer, what command is used to uninstall an app?

A apt-get

The apt-get utility is used to download or uninstall software packages in several Linux editions. This command has the syntax apt-get [options]. There are too many options to go through here, but because we are removing an app, the command may be apt-get purge [package name], but keep in mind that you must precede the apt-get command with sudo. If the package name is milou, the command is sudo aptget purge milou. Purge deletes both the configuration files and the package. The sudo command, which stands for superuser do or substitute user do, executes a single command as the alternate user. On a Linux computer, the su command (switch user, substitute user, or super user) is used to launch another shell. Without giving the username, it is assumed that you are attempting to launch a shell with superuser (or root) privileges. The ps command displays the processes that are currently running, together with their process IDs (PIDs).

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