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An evil twin is an unauthorized router with a configuration that appears to legitimate. It can result in on-path attacks, which involve clandestinely inserting something between a server and a user (such as a piece of software or a rogue router) without the server's administrator or the user being aware of it. Data is intercepted by the on-path attacker, who then delivers it to the server as if nothing were wrong. The software used by the on-path attacker may be recording and modifying data for someone to view later, or in some other way compromising the security of your system and session. A computer system that a hacker can access through a back door and exploit to perpetrate attacks without the knowledge of the legitimate user of the computer system is called a zombie. An orchestrated attack on a target carried out via a system of zombie computers is called a botnet. A noncompliant system is one that is not updated or does not adhere to company security protocols.