
A Guide On How to Study for AWS Interview Questions

Are you preparing for an interview for a job that requires AWS knowledge? AWS, or Amazon Web Services, is a cloud computing platform that has become increasingly popular among businesses. As such, it is no surprise that AWS-related jobs are in high demand. To ace an interview for an AWS position, you need to prepare […]

March 22, 2023

Are you preparing for an interview for a job that requires AWS knowledge? AWS, or Amazon Web Services, is a cloud computing platform that has become increasingly popular among businesses. As such, it is no surprise that AWS-related jobs are in high demand. To ace an interview for an AWS position, you need to prepare thoroughly. In this article, IT Exams Training will provide you with tips on how to study for AWS interview questions.

What Is AWS?


Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a cloud computing platform that is widely utilized by a variety of businesses throughout the world. AWS services include more than 200 functionalities to address the diverse needs of cloud application customers. It contains numerous features, such as Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. Customers choose AWS services because they are more secure, adaptable, and quicker. Furthermore, AWS services assist users in lowering costs and making applications and systems more adaptable.

Before we get started with Amazon Web Services interview questions, here are a few interesting facts about Amazon Web Services:

  • AWS is the most important market participant among cloud providers, accounting for 47.8% of the IaaS public cloud services market.
  • An AWS Solution Architect earns an average monthly income of $155,005 in the United States and $20,50,000 a year in India.
  • AWS Certification is one of the highest-paying certification categories in the United States.

The above factors clearly demonstrate that specialists capable of managing AWS applications are in great demand and have several job prospects in the market.

AWS Services

AWS offers a wide range of services, including computing, storage, and databases, among others. Some of the services offered by AWS include:

  • Elastic compute cloud (EC2): It is a computing resource that is available on demand for hosting applications. very times of unknown workloads, EC2 comes in very handy.
  • Route 53 is a web-based DNS service.
  • Simple Storage Device S3: This is a storage device service that is commonly used in AWS Identity and Access Management.
  • Elastic Block Store: It allows you to store continuous quantities of data and is integrated with EC2. It also allows you to persist data.
  • Cloud watch: It allows you to monitor the crucial sections of AWS and even create a reminder for troubleshooting.
  • Simple Email Service: It allows you to send emails using normal SMTP or a restful API request.

It’s important to have a good understanding of these services and their use cases before your interview.

AWS offers several certification programs for professionals looking to validate their skills and knowledge of the platform. These certifications can be a great way to demonstrate your expertise and stand out in the job market.

How To Study For AWS Interview Questions

To land the AWS jobs of your dream, there is a bunch of things you can do to enhance the chance of becoming a prospective candidate in the employers’ eyes. One of those things is to prepare thoroughly for the interview questions that could be possibly asked so that you can be as confident as a lion! How to do it? Take a look at the below!


Investigate the company

Before attending any interview, including AWS, do your homework. Interviewers can tell if you have done extensive study on the firm you want to work for, and they like it when you already know a lot about it.

If you haven’t done enough research about the firm, your rivals may be able to go ahead of you since you will fail fundamental questions such as:

  • What are your impressions of us?
  • Why did you decide to apply for this position at this company?
  • What motivated you to apply for this position?

The beginning of an interview is your chance to shine! It’s time to create a good first impression. As a result, don’t go in with no understanding of the industry because this is the quickest way to shoot yourself in the foot and fail to acquire the job! Prepare yourself by learning about the company, who they are, how they make money, who their normal clientele are, and so forth. Of course, you don’t have to be an expert in their field, but you should grasp the fundamentals.

Prepare to discuss particular achievements

Many AWS job seekers fail to secure well-paying employment despite passing their AWS certification examinations because they make broad comments and utilize broad language when presenting their successes. To distinguish oneself, prepare particular data and speak about specifics. Make sure you have facts and data to back up what you did in past employment.

However, it is important to note that recruiters are more interested in HOW you accomplished your former job than in WHAT you did. Because of the scope of work of an AWS cloud practitioner, they may not be interested in how you climbed to become a team leader in your previous position, but they may be interested in how you overcame doubt, rejection, hardship, and lack of support.

As a result, don’t spend too much time bragging about your achievements. Instead, spend more time discussing how you overcame obstacles and solved issues to reach success!

Prepare yourself to deal with hardship

Be prepared for the reality that answering AWS interview questions will not be easy. You will be asked simple questions at first, but as the interview proceeds, be prepared to answer technical questions about the position for which you have applied.

When things get bad, only the tough get going, as the saying goes. When faced with a difficult question, don’t hide your head in the sand. Play out how you handled difficult situations in your previous experience. As you can see, there is no uniform response to these sorts of queries. There is no reason why you shouldn’t impress the interviewers if you can use how you addressed challenges in the past! Remember that interviewers are humans just like you, and they confront obstacles on a daily basis. You are unquestionably the ideal candidate if you can demonstrate your ability to address common challenges.

Keep in mind that interviewers are taking notes on everything. Don’t speak too quickly!


AWS interviews are data-driven interviews. Interviewers must record what you say. The information gathered will subsequently be evaluated. As a result, before preparing for the interview, ensure that you understand the important themes that you will discuss. During the interview, keep your cool and answer all questions accurately and concisely. Don’t get sidetracked when you see them typing as you respond. Don’t be esoteric, and speak at a rate they can document.

Don’t skip over important questions

One thing you should keep in mind as you prepare for the AWS interview is that you should not skip any questions. If you do, you will be unable to return to them afterward. If you do, the interviewers will believe you are attempting to make things up or avoid replying, which may not be the case. When asked a basic question, make an attempt to provide the best response possible, even if you are unsure. It is preferable to die trying than not trying at all!

Be truthful and tell them if you don’t know

You should not, as you have just learned, skip questions. But keep in mind that we were addressing fundamental issues. If you are asked about non-core topics that you are unfamiliar with, don’t waste time answering them. Tell them you’re not sure. It is preferable to be open than to appear to be making things up.

Get as specific as possible

The majority of questions are open-ended. Be as thorough as possible in order to stand out from the throng. If you don’t understand something in the questions, ask clarification questions. Even if the question appears to be a definition of something like “What is AWS and how does it work?” or hypothesis one like “Which certification will you get next on AWS Cloud Certification Path and why?” place your response in context wherever possible. This will provide you with data points that may boost your chances of landing the job!

Demonstrate your ability to express technical topics clearly

Employees who can successfully express technical concepts are highly valued by employers. Communication is a crucial talent, and even if you’re a technical wizard, if you can’t communicate well with others, especially those without such a strong technical background, you’ll be at a significant disadvantage. Many AWS interview questions will need you to describe a technical idea, which you should do as simply and effectively as possible. You will come across more clearly if you imagine you are conveying the subject to someone with significantly less understanding than you.

Use AWS Cloud Practice Tests

There are several AWS Cloud Practitioner practice exams available online that can help you prepare for your AWS interview. These tests will give you an idea of the types of questions you can expect and help you identify areas where you may need additional study.

Common AWS Interview Questions


Here are some common AWS interview questions you may encounter:

What is an Elastic IP?

An Elastic IP is a static IP address that you can allocate to your AWS account. Even if you stop and relaunch your instance, it enables you to keep the same IP address.

What is Amazon VPC, and why is it used?

Virtual Private Cloud, sometimes known as Amazon VPC, is a networking service offered by AWS. It’s employed to isolate a virtual network from other networks. You have control over your virtual network environment using VPC, including subnets, IP address ranges, and routing tables.

What is Auto Scaling, and how does it work?

AWS’s Auto Scaling solution enables you to automatically scale up or down your resources in response to demand. By tracking resource use and changing capacity as necessary, auto-scaling operates. By doing this, you can be certain that you always have adequate resources to manage the traffic.

What is Elastic Load Balancing, and how does it work?

One of the services offered by AWS is elastic load balancing, which divides incoming traffic across many resources. In doing so, you assist your apps be more scalable and available. In order for elastic load balancing to function, your resources must be healthy. When they are, traffic is sent to those resources.

What is AWS Lambda, and how does it work?

AWS Lambda is a serverless computing option provided by AWS. It allows code execution without requiring the deployment or administration of servers. With Lambda, resources are automatically scaled to match demand as your code is performed in response to events.

What is Amazon DynamoDB, and how does it work?

AWS offers Amazon DynamoDB, a NoSQL database service. Any quantity of data may be stored and retrieved with it, and any volume of traffic can be handled. In order for DynamoDB to function, data must be stored in tables and made accessible via APIs.

What is Amazon RDS?

You can quickly set up, run, and grow a relational database in the cloud using Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service), a managed database service.

What are the different types of EC2 instances?

AWS offers virtual computers called EC2 instances. Based on the performance of their CPU, memory, and network, EC2 instances may be classified into many kinds. Several of the several EC2 instance types include:

  • Broad Purpose
  • Enhanced for computing
  • Memory Enhanced
  • Optimized Storage

What is the difference between EC2 and S3?

EC2 is a cloud-based service that provides virtual servers, whereas S3 is a storage service that allows you to store and retrieve items.

What is AWS IAM, and what are the different types of IAM users?

Identity and Access Management, or IAM in short, is one of AWS’s security services. Managing access to AWS resources is done using this service. How does it work? Creating and administering users, groups, and roles are all possible. That’s it! And IAM roles, IAM users, and IAM users are the three categories that IAM users fall under.


We’re so glad that you’ve read this far! We understand that it is probably difficult to prepare for an AWS interview but bear in mind that with the right method and strategies as well as effective tools, you can totally feel confident and well-prepared about what you have. Don’t forget to go through the fundamentals of AWS, practice using real equipment, mock exams regularly, and actively join study groups. One more important thing is to learn about typical AWS interview questions as well, such as the distinction between EC2 and S3, Elastic IP, VPC, AWS Lambda, and Amazon RDS.

We strongly believe that you can display your knowledge and talents during the interview excellently and improve your chances of getting your ideal job in AWS by paying attention to the abovementioned tips and diligently studying.
