
Does AWS Require Coding? | Expert Guide for 2024

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a popular cloud computing platform that offers a wide range of services to businesses and individuals around the world. As a platform, AWS is designed to be user-friendly, but some people still wonder if it requires coding knowledge to use. In this article, IT-Exams.Net explore does AWS require coding and […]

March 23, 2023

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a popular cloud computing platform that offers a wide range of services to businesses and individuals around the world. As a platform, AWS is designed to be user-friendly, but some people still wonder if it requires coding knowledge to use. In this article, IT-Exams.Net explore does AWS require coding and what skills are necessary to make the most of this platform.

What Is AWS?

AWS is an abbreviation for Amazon Web Services, which requires no official introduction given its enormous popularity. Amazon Web Services is the market’s top cloud service. It delivers over 170 AWS services to developers, allowing them to use them from anywhere at any time.
Amazon Web Service is a cloud computing platform that offers scalable and cost-effective cloud computing solutions.

AWS is a widely used cloud platform that provides numerous on-demand activities such as computational power, database storage, content distribution, and so on to help businesses develop and flourish.

AWS has customers in over 190 countries, including 5000 educational institutions and 2000 government agencies. AWS services are used by many firms, including ESPN, Adobe, Twitter, Netflix, Facebook, and the BBC.

Amazon offers several cloud application services. Let us go through a few essential AWS ecosystem services and a quick overview of how developers utilize them in their businesses.

Amazon offers the following services:

  • Service for computing
  • Storage
  • Database
  • Networking and content delivery Security tools
  • Tools for developers
  • Management instruments

In a nutshell, AWS is a strong and adaptable platform that offers a diverse set of services that may be utilized for a number of reasons. AWS can provide the tools and services you need to thrive, whether you’re a startup wanting to create and host your web application or a huge corporation needing to store and process massive quantities of data. On this website, we offer hundreds of free AWS Solution Architect Associate exam questions to help you be familiar with the real exam format!

What Are The Two Types of Coding?

There’s something important that has to be discussed. Although we’ve mostly spoken about infrastructure as code, another type of coding is known as application coding. We must distinguish between these types of coding since they will determine whether you need to learn to code or not.

AWS code comes in a variety of shapes and sizes, but it can be classified into two types: infrastructure coding and application coding. Let’s look at the differences between the two.

Application Coding

To begin with, application coding is the type of coding that the majority of people connect with coding. Coding is what enables us to accomplish things like automating a time-consuming procedure or building a website.

In application development, logic is widely utilized, such as if/else statements to “branch” code based on a condition or loops to repeat actions numerous times. The logic required in coding intimidates or perplexes many individuals.

Infrastructure Coding

Infrastructure coding, on the other hand, is only concerned with the process of developing infrastructure settings, as the name implies. Infrastructure configurations are just a set of instructions for building infrastructure. In this example, our infrastructure is our cloud setup.

HashiCorp’s Terraform is a popular tool for Infrastructure as Code. It is an AWS DevOps Competency member and an AWS Partner Network (APN) Advanced Technology Partner. This is similar to AWS CloudFormation “infrastructure as code” tool that allows you to create, change, and version your Amazon Web Services (AWS) architecture.

AWS CloudFormation is a platform that enables developers and companies to swiftly assemble a collection of connected AWS and third-party resources, then provision and run them logically and predictably.

AWS CloudFormation is designed to manage resource lifecycles in a consistent, predictable, and secure manner, as well as to provide automated rollbacks, state management, and resource management across accounts and regions.

Recently added features include utilizing AWS CDK to write in higher-level languages, importing existing resources, detecting configuration drift, and a new Registry that makes it easy to design custom types that inherit many of the key CloudFormation benefits. Consider what you’ll be doing there to decide whether you’ll need to develop for AWS.

Does AWS Require Coding?


The short answer to this question is “It depends.”

Working with AWS often does not necessitate the usage of code. AWS may be accessed in two ways: manually using the AWS UI or programmatically through the infrastructure as a code tool, which needs to store cloud configuration commands in text files.

It is common for newcomers to construct their AWS architecture using the UI rather than coding. Because the UI method is one of the simplest ways to comprehend AWS, numerous tutorials demonstrate it.

AWS offers a wide range of services, and some of them require coding knowledge, while others do not. Here are some examples:

AWS Tasks That Do Not Require Any Coding

  • Creating a Website in WordPress: AWS is frequently used to create websites. Without any coding skills, you may quickly set up a WordPress website on AWS. Merchants may offer pre-made, ready-to-launch machine images that are simple to set up and require no coding by leveraging an AWS tool known as the marketplace. In the marketplace, there are several alternative images for establishing off-the-shelf blogging, wikis, and photo storage servers.
  • Storing Files Using AWS: AWS may also be used for file storage, which is a common job. File storage may then be used by all corporate divisions to store videos, text files, photos, and other types of data. These files can then be readily shared over the internet or inside a corporation. Without understanding how to code, you may utilize AWS S3 to build up a file storage system (Simple Storage Service). Cloud Mounter, for example, is one of several clients and graphical user interfaces that may connect with file storage.

AWS Tasks That Require Coding

  • Building Custom Websites: Creating a website is a common desire for many AWS customers. Websites may be built using a variety of computer languages, including Node.JS, Python, and PHP. You’ll need to know how to code and, at the very least, utilize HTML to develop a personalized website. AWS services such as S3, CloudFront, ECS, and Fargate are just a few examples.
  • Creating Skills for Alexa: To create the technical APIs that enable the Alexa skill, you’ll need some coding skills. For example, suppose you wish to build a bespoke home automation system, such as an Alexa skill.
  • AWS Lambda: AWS Lambda is a serverless computing solution that manages your core compute resources for you as you run code in response to events. These events include changes in status or updates, such as a user adding an item to a shopping cart on an e-commerce website.

AWS Lambda may be used to add custom logic to existing AWS services or to create your own backend services that take advantage of AWS’ size, performance, and security. HTTP requests via Amazon API Gateway, object alterations in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets, Amazon DynamoDB table updates, and AWS Step Function state transitions are just a few of the events that trigger code execution in AWS Lambda.

As you can see, some AWS services require coding knowledge, while others do not. If you’re interested in using AWS for your business or personal projects, it’s important to understand which services require coding and which do not.

Why Learn Coding For AWS?


In AWS, you can manually create things, utilize the UI to set up infrastructure and do intricate settings all through the UI.

While some firms build cloud infrastructure by themselves, it is typically not advised and is regarded as a damaging industry practice. After a time, manually developing resources becomes difficult to track and manage.

Many AWS newcomers complain that the UI is confusing and lacking in features. This is not a fault on the part of AWS; rather, they encourage users to interact with the infrastructure using code tools rather than the UI. Teams may swiftly review changes before they are implemented, track and understand when and why prior changes were made, and travel back in time to older settings by preserving configurations as code.

Read more > > AWS Solution Architect Certification Path: Your Key To The Cloud Computing Industry

What Coding Skills Do You Need For AWS?

AWS is a powerful cloud computing platform that offers a wide range of services for building and deploying web applications, managing data, and more. While you don’t necessarily need to be an expert programmer to use AWS, having some coding skills can help get the most out of the platform. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the coding skills that can be useful when working with AWS.

Proficiency in a programming language

To work with AWS, you’ll need to have at least some basic proficiency in a programming language. While you don’t necessarily need to be an expert in a particular language, having a good understanding of programming concepts like variables, functions, and control flow is essential. Java, Python, and Ruby are some of the most well-liked programming languages utilized with AWS.

Understanding of web technologies

You must have a thorough grasp of web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for example in case you want to work with AWS to create web applications. It is due to the fact that these programming languages are frequently utilized for dealing with online APIs and creating the user interface of web apps. Furthermore, understanding web frameworks like React and Angular may be quite beneficial when creating complicated online apps. In order to perform at your best, obtain the knowledge indicated above before applying for any employment that is applicable.

Familiarity with AWS APIs and SDKs


AWS offers several APIs and SDKs that allow third parties to interact with its services. Having a basic grasp of these APIs and SDKs as well as familiarity with the AWS CLI (Command Line Interface) is perhaps helpful for managing resources and automating processes when building apps that leverage AWS services.

Knowledge of DevOps practices

The DevOps methodology for developing software places a focus on communication between development and operations teams. Because of this, you should become familiar with DevOps techniques and technologies like Jenkins, Ansible, and Docker, which are useful when dealing with AWS. because it can quickly and effectively automate the platform’s application deployment and administration.

Understanding of cloud architecture and infrastructure

To get the most out of AWS, it’s really important that you have a good understanding of cloud infrastructure and architecture. This includes knowledge of specialist concepts such as virtualization, load balancing, and auto-scaling, as well as familiarity with AWS services such as Amazon EC2 (Elastic Computing Cloud), Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service), and Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service).

In short, while you don’t have to be a coding expert to use AWS, having some coding skills can be helpful in getting the most out of the platform. Proficiency in programming languages, understanding of web technologies, familiarity with the AWS APIs and SDKs, knowledge of DevOps practices, and understanding of cloud infrastructure and architecture are, for sure, all useful skills required when having chances of working with AWS.

Is Coding Required For AWS Training?

It is a fiction rather than a fact that understanding and utilizing AWS necessitates coding. Of course, if you work in the computer field, having a rudimentary grasp of it is beneficial. However, in the case of AWS, it all relies on the industry in which you want to further your career. So, let’s take a look at the most common AWS job routes. Is it true that all of them require coding skills?

SysOps Administrator

No, system administrators do not require a background in coding, however, some understanding of the subject is beneficial. They are in charge of deploying, administering, and running systems on the AWS platform. They also maintain and manage the company’s AWS infrastructure, optimize expenses, and manage billing.

Developer and DevOps Engineer

This is an unequivocal yes. Even though the nature of both professions varies significantly, they both need great coding abilities. While developers are responsible for configuring, maintaining, and growing web application cloud infrastructure, the DevOps engineer position encompasses both development and operations.

Solutions Architect

It’s another no for solution architects (or SAs). SAS should not bother about coding because it is not directly relevant to their profession. Their main role is to oversee the company’s cloud computing architecture. This position necessitates both process and people skills.

It is obvious that you do not need to be a coder to make a career in AWS; only development-related professions require it. Individuals from any background may understand cloud computing and operate well in the sector provided they put in enough effort, time, and discipline in their studies and practice.

Read more > > AWS Solutions Architect vs Developer: Understanding The Differences

Top 5 Programming Languages To Code Like a Pro For AWS Cloud


Each programming language contributes to the growth of IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS firms. They are also important in AWS certifications.

1. Python

Python is an interpreted language, which means that it is not compiled. The Python interpreter is used to run each line of code one at a time. The most common Python use cases include website and software development, task automation, data analysis, AI/ML, and data visualization. Python will almost certainly be required if your project involves large data or Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning.

Python also has the advantage of being one of the easiest languages to learn. It also makes constructing your project easier because it includes a large collection of reused code snippets.

Python has also gained popularity within scientific groups due to its ability to interact with massive collections of scientific resources.

One thing to bear in mind about Python is that, due to the constraints of the Global Interpreter Lock, it does not scale as well as some other languages over several cores on a single system.

2. Java

Java has been around long enough to have matured into a critical language for a wide range of applications. While you may believe that Java is unsuitable for cloud-native programming, the language has been developed and embraced for a wide range of development projects.

One of the most significant advantages of Java is its large community. Furthermore, Java has a highly robust ecosystem, as well as more documentation than you would ever need, a plethora of libraries and frameworks, excellent security, and a worldwide developer pool.

Java is ideal for e-commerce and is the major programming language for Android. As a result, if your cloud-native applications include mobile devices, Java should be a primary priority.

3. JavaScript

JavaScript development services will be required if your project requires dynamic and interactive online content to be provided via apps or web browsers. The ability to add complicated functionality to web pages is JavaScript’s superpower. JavaScript may be used to create dynamic/animated menus, display timely content updates, interactive maps, animated visuals, and scrolling video jukeboxes.

And, because JavaScript is one of the most popular languages on the market, you can expect it to have a large community and a promising future, and many of your engineers will already be familiar with it.

The one thing to remember about JavaScript is that your engineers will also require a great grasp of HTML and CSS.

4. C++

C++ is one of the most widely used object-oriented programming languages in the world. Operating systems, GUIs, IoT devices, game development, databases, web browsers, machine learning tools, AR/VR, scientific research, and financial tools are all built with it.

The fact that C++ is utilized to construct IoT devices should tell you that it’s a great choice for your cloud-native requirements. Those IoT devices will need to interface with your cloud in order to supply massive amounts of data for processing.

You can use C++ with AWS to create Android applications that communicate with the cloud, as well as cross-platform text-to-speech using Amazon Polly. With the Amazon S3 encryption client for C++ coders, you can even store sensitive data on AWS.

C++ is an extremely helpful programming language. Its compatibility with AWS is a huge plus for any organization wishing to develop and deploy to the AWS infrastructure.

5. PHP

AWS is compatible with PHP. AWS, for example, offers an SDK, a Laravel SDK plugin, IDE toolkits, and PHP support in Cloud9 IDE. PHP allows you to create containerized and serverless applications, as well as operate smoothly with AI/ML.

The combination of PHP and AWS enables the development and deployment of high-availability web applications that can be monitored by Amazon CloudWatch. There are several APIs available for usage with PHP, as well as extensive documentation.

PHP is a fairly robust language with a big community, which assures that it will not only have a constantly expanding feature set but also a safe future.

PHP is an excellent programming language for e-commerce, project management tools, content management systems, graphical user interfaces (GUIs), online communities, Facebook apps, parsing XML files, mailing lists, image processing/generation, data analysis, dynamic website templates, and WordPress plugins. When your engineers set their minds to it, there isn’t much that PHP, AWS, and the enormous array of tools accessible to the language can’t do.


What is AWS used for?

AWS is a cloud computing platform that provides a variety of services, including computing, storage, databases, analytics, networking, machine learning, IoT, security, and much more.

Is coding necessary for using AWS?

Not all AWS services require coding knowledge, but some do. If you’re interested in using services that require coding, you’ll need to have some programming skills.

What programming languages are used with AWS?

Python, Java, Ruby, Node.js, and PowerShell.

What are the benefits of learning to code for AWS?

The benefits of learning to code for AWS are multiple like increased flexibility,  improved efficiency and productivity, and improved scalability. It perhaps helps you to save a big amount of money. 

How can I learn to code for AWS?

In terms of how to learn coding to prepare for working with AWS, there are, in fact, many ways to learn to code in this 4.0 era. For example, you can read blogs or relevant documents, or even take online courses, tutorials on the Internet, or hands-on learning or training. The key is you need to find the suitable learning styles and the right learning materials in order to achieve the highest results. Said is always easier than done, we know. But try your best, you can do it!


So, does AWS require coding? Our answers are both yes and no. Because some AWS services need coding knowledge, while others do not. And if you’re interested in using AWS for your personal or professional projects, you should understand which services need coding and which do not. Additionally, if you’re interested in using services that require coding, you must be familiar with DevOps methods and technologies in addition to having some programming skills.
Learning to code for AWS probably opens up a wide range of possibilities for your personal or business projects. Consequently, whether you work as a developer wanting to create distinctive programs and services or a business owner hoping to use the potential of AWS, learning to code for AWS perhaps be a good investment that suits you. Good luck on your journey!
